Another day, another state. And today, The Wesley Bell Ringer summer tour 2018 is entering into week #2. Time goes by so very quickly when you are having this much fun.
The Wesley Bell Ringers traveled from Indiana to Levering Michigan located in the northwest corner of the "Mitten" of the state. A drive filled with green fields, open lands, water, & rolling hills, the scenery was beautiful & relaxing for everyone on the bus. The morning started with a quick drive by the University Notre Dame campus & a photo with "touchdown Jesus" followed by a lunch stop in the charming beach community of Great Haven, Michigan. Home of the most amazing corn dogs ever!
Rolling into Levering Michigan was like coming home & for one ringer - Charlie, Levering is home to her each summer. The Bliss Missionary Church is small town small (think of Copperton but smaller), but a much welcomed change from the larger sanctuary's The Wesley Bell Ringers played at for the first half of this tour. A smaller venue such as at Bliss also allowed for a bit of chaperone shenanigans, started by Ed, to remind the choir to SMILE - playing hand bells is FUN.
When your breakfast is a made to order bacon, eggs, and homemade toast, you know that you have met the best hosts ever! THANK YOU. |
Indiana recipe = the most amazing peanut butter pie. Try it, you won't be disappointed. |
Pamela. Never stops smiling! |
It is always the small town coffee shop delivering the best experience. |
Here are the corndogs. We will think of these forever. |
Mother/Daughter nap time. |
Bliss Missionary Church, Levering Michigan. |
The Annual meeting of the minds. |
The girls & Kelly as the clapper of the bell. |
Cover photo for the next album cover? |
This was Ed's doing, we promise.
Great crowd in Levering
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