Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day 4 - Lubbock TX to Celina TX

June 17th

This morning we left Lubbock and headed to Dallas.  It was a long drive and we had an appointment to keep at the Sixth Floor Museum at the former Texas School Book Repository.  We took a very scenic route to the Dallas/Fort Worth area.  The traffic was very light, which was a good thing, but the towns were few and far between, which can be a bad thing when someone needs a potty stop "RIGHT NOW".  

Anyway, we found a stop before there were any accidents and while we were there, Cullen and C.P. got ice cream cones. Unfortunately, it was hotter than they expected and the ice cream had melted by the time they got back to the bus: 

We made a quick lunch stop outside of Fort Worth, and thanks to some amazing (and lucky?) driving by Don and some awesome planning by Terry, we made it to downtown Dallas at 2:05 PM, only five minutes later than we had planned. 

The Sixth Floor Museum is a museum about the assination of President John F. Kennedy.  The kids (and adults) really enjoyed it.   

You weren't allowed to take pictures on the sixth floor of the former Texas Book Repository, but you could take pictures from the seventh floor.  Terry took these pictures of the route of President Kennedy's motorcade. 

There's a gift shop at the museum, of course...

After spending not quite enough time in the museum (we all would have liked to stay longer), we loaded up and headed to Celina.  The traffic was actually lighter than we expected and we arrived at the church early.  I know, it's hard to believe.

The concert tonight was at the First United Methodist Church of Celina (pronounced exactly like Salina, KS).

About the same time we arrived at the church, this guy pulled up on this cool motorcycle with an awesome sidecar on it.  Ed looked out the window and said, "Look, it's Dave Haun." Dave is a former Wesley Bell Ringer and for years he has ridden his motorcycle to a concert somewhere on the tour. 

The church is a beautiful building in the heart of Celina.

The church uses a store front in "downtown" Celina for it's youth activities.  We walked over there for dinner.

It looks like Lucy liked Celina so much she decided to open up a little shop...

The kids played another great concert in the beautiful sanctuary of the First United Methodist Church of Celina.

We had some special guests tonight.  Rebecca Herman, daughter of WBR alumni Jeff Herman and cousin of Jill, Jake and Emma, drove over from Denton TX.

Jill, Rebecca Herman, Jake, and Emma

Karla McCain, former member of CUMC, drove up from Sherman TX.

Kelly with Karla McCain

And of course Dave Haun picked Celina to see the concert this year.

Dave Haun (WBR alumni) and Terry - a couple of "relics"

Tomorrow we head to San Antonio for a much deserved night off.


HondoTX said...

In my defense: I was posing as a "relic". Terry didn't get the memo.

Harold Hofstetter said...

Nice travel blog. Electrician near me