On Wesley Bell Ringer Sunday, Pastor Rusty encouraged The Wesley Bell Ringers to "Be good". On day one for what was though to be an easy & short trip to Ogden Utah, this group was EXTRA good.
Nothing can spoil the excitement of the first time packing up of the bus, organizing seats, making yourself welcome for the two weeks to come...except when the bus pulls up and is almost half of the size of the bus needed to hold all of the bells, equipment, luggage, and "stuff" as happened on Friday. Not allowing this set back spoil what the choir & team has worked so hard to get to, phone calls were made, a parent volunteered to load up her truck full of whatever she could & drive it do Ogden - THANK YOU KIMMIE!, and everything else was crammed in to every space available into the small bus so the choir could get to Ogden so they could play at the Rocky Mountain joint annual conference Methodist Conference. With a new, appropriately sized bus waiting for the crew in Ogden, The Wesley Bell Ringers unloaded as they would do for a performance & then unloaded all the luggage & stuff off the small bus to the bus they would now call home ...VICTORY!
With all of the bus nonsense out of the way, The Wesley Bell Ringers hit the stage, playing to a large crowd of conference attendees including past UMC Pastors - Pat & Jean & many Wesley Bell Ringer families. A shorter performance than what they will be playing on tour, but a great start to an appreciative audience. Before hitting the buss for the LONG night to South Dakota, The Wesley Bell Ringers were fortunate enough to be able to support their sister performers from Christ United Methodist Church - The MAD band. A great way to end a most eventful day #1.
Goodbye SLC - See you in two weeks. |
Though you would think that a small choir = a small bus, with the bells this group travels with, not so. |
We are smiling through the cramped quarters of the small bus to Ogden. |
The great bus exchange of 2018 summer tour. |
The Wesley Bell Ringers loved being part of this great line up in Ogden. |
Ready to ring the opening bells. |
Anticipation |
For the record books - first concert of 2018 in Ogden Utah
Rocking out to the UMC MAD band. Great job guys!
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