Sunday, June 10, 2012

WBR Tour 2012 - Sunday - Thoughts from a few ringers. . . .

Being my first tour I was really in the blue about what to expect, but being here with my friends is some of the most fun I have had all year. I am lucky to be a part of an organization that is like one big family. Everyone is a apart of the family and no matter what your background is or who you are. The nature of the Wesley Bell Ringers is to welcome everyone with open arms just like they did for me and all of the other first year students. As we travel from Colorado to Nebraska it is so clear to me why I stuck it out this long. It has only been one day, just over 24 hours, but already I know that all that work was worth it. Just sitting on a bus with my new family is worth it. -Tim Hare-Diggs

This is my third tour and I'm really excited! So far we've had two eight hour bus days and they are surprisingly fun! You get the opportunity to spend lots of time with your best friends doing random things to keep you occupied. Last night's concert went really well and then Emma, Catherine, Larni, Shannon, Emily and I had a host home together! Our hosts were so nice and made us root beer floats and gave us dill pickle chips and M&M's! It was a great host home to start the tour off with! I can't wait for lots more! -Desiree' Jensen

This is my third tour and it's pretty awesome so far! These last two days have been loooooong, but I actually enjoy the bus days a lot. Playing Mario Kart with 7 other people on the bus is insanely fun. Our first concert went really well and the only real mistakes were random flukes. I'm excited for our next concert! -Alec Mittelstadt


FoX said...


Hey everyone! Sounds like you guys are off to a lovely start. I hope you guys aren't too crowded on that bus! I would like to give props to the entire underbus crew (yes, and your crew as well Mike) for getting everything in three compartments! Anyway, have a blast, and play awesome!


Anonymous said...

Just know always how proud of you your families are, how much we love and miss you, but most of all how grateful we are for you to be on this incredible journey.