It's so weird to imagine that my last year as a Wesley Bell Ringers is coming to an end. It seems like just yesterday when I was 15 years old and had just joined the choir.
Being a Wesley Bell Ringer has taught me so much. I have developed leadership, social skills, team work and, of course, grown up. Each year I have learned more and more how to become a harder worker and how to set an example for the group.
The friendships that develop in the choir make the experience even better. It has been truly amazing knowing so may Wesleys with so many different personalities.
Going on two week tours each summer is also one of the best parts of the choir. We get to travel to different parts of the U.S. Throughout these 5 years, I have been to about 43 states.
It's so neat staying at host homes each night. It's interesting learning about each family.
Some people would wonder how we put up with each other for two weeks on a bus. However, the bus is one of the best parts of tour. We get to socialize, play games, watch movies, sleep and, of course, pass the junk food!
A few of my favorite places I've traveled to are: Pensacola Beach, Fl.; the Civil Rights Museum in Birmingham, Alabama; performing at the Cathedral of the Pines in New Hampshire; touring New York City; visiting Canada; participating in the Area VI Handbell Festival in Tucson, Az.; Disneyland; river rafting; Washington D.C.; a Cardinals/Phillies baseball game; seeing family in Lawrence, Kansas; and so many more.
Being a Wesley Bell Ringer has been an incredible honor and experience that will be with me for the rest of my life.
Kaelyn Walzel, Super Senior

This choir is one of the most meaningful things that has happened to me. You have all shaped me in ways that I cannot even describe. Getting to know all of you has been some of the happiest moments of my life. You are all part of my family. We've had our discordant moments, but we've always risen above our differences and come together as a choir. I love you all so much and it hurts me beyond words to be leaving the choir. But I will still be around and if I can leave you with one last piece of advice: Hold on to the memories you made in Bells for they are more precious than any souvenir you might buy. I will remember all of you and you all have a special place in my heart
Eric Conrad, Senior 

These past four years have been the most memorable years of my life. They've been filled with both good and bad times, mostly good though. I will never forget my time in the choir fobeen more like a family to me. When I was having a bad day, I could always count on the choir to be there for me and to make me feel welcome and wanted. I'm really going to miss coming to rehearsals and performing for people. It has brought such joy to see how our music moves and affects people. I love you all and will miss you like no other.: (
Luke Weiben, Super Senior
Believe it our not, we are STILL having fun. We've took on St. Louis, including a trip up in the arch; (How many bell ringers can you squeeze into a tiny travel pod? Five) a visit to a brewery; and a baseball game (Phillies 4, Cardinals 0). Today we are happy to be back in the West, Colorado, where the heat is bearable and the sky is blue! Mostly, were all excited to come HOME!

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