Sunday, July 26, 2015

A special church service in Kenilworth Oregon

The choir joined the congregation at Kenilworth Presbyterian for worship this morning, in what was a special service for both church and choir.  The church is small - a total of about 50 members, about 30 of whom attend services each week.  Pastor Jewel's excellent sermon focused on the feeding of the 5,000.  He compared human excesses of power, focused on taking more, no matter how much is received, and spiritual power, the boy who shared his loaves of bread, and God who multiplied them, as power focused on what can be given to others.  Justine and Katie were presented with special crosses.  Chaperones were also given a momento of the church.  Justin later told the kids he saw the parallel between the parable, so few, doing so much, sharing generously, and what this small church did for the choir.  This was a special experience among many great experiences on this trip.

Ed also shared a story about a young student he helped who was seeking direction in her life.  Ed shared with her the hymn which we happened to sing in church today, that became of of his favorites:
“O Lord, with Your eyes You have searched me, And, while smiling, have called out my name. Now my boat’s left on the shoreline behind me, Now with You I will seek other seas.”  
“You have come up to the lakeshore, Looking neither for wise nor wealthy.You only wanted that I should follow."
“You know that I own so little, In my boat there’s no money or weapons, You’ll only find there my nets and labor.” 
“You need the caring of my hands.Through my tiredness, may others find resting. You need a love that just goes on loving.”
“You, who have fished other oceans, Ever longed for by souls that are waiting, My dear and good friend, as thus You call me.”

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